J. Llop - Art critic and director of Gal-Art magazine
In wich world does P. Roldán live in? It would be wonderful from what we capture in this motifs, to get to know the this work, to go for a stroll under his skies and among his forets of a thousand colours.
…Each of his exhibitions is a miracle, and at te same time a mystery, turned into colour.
In reality, but his reality and we must be grateful to him for allowing us to share it through his painting art works…
Roldan is a magic dreamer. A magiciam of colours and reality…and then, in addition to a sense of intimacy. The surface is, the brilliant solution, the magic. Roldan proves that the art of painting is not only to paint. Something more, much more. Painting is to communicate thing, and Roldán knows how to communicate, one feels attracted by his works of art. Or by his colour, by his imagination, the manner in which he sees and discovers the other reality. He plays with colour and volumes with great mastery, I would allege unique, Is one of those artists, who does not need to sign his works of art.
…Things are not as he depicts them. Or perhaps they are, but not entirely. Reality lacks the imaginative and mysterious, dreaming touch which Roldan provides it with. I have never seen rounded yellow clouds suspended in the blue sky;Roldán sees them and we also, thoug him. And they are beautiful.
…To imagine. to develop, to paint is something more than the mere act of placing colour on a surface. We have to place he soul, passion, certainty. Pedro Roldán places it all.